karena sederhana dalam rasa akan rumit dalam bahasa

Senin, 28 November 2011

Sabtu, 26 November 2011

The Inauguration Event of Cordao de Ouro Capoeira Binus

yeaaaaaaaaaah finally i can write again. UTS has ended up! those 2 weeks are driving me crazy hope the best for the result. amen
Today i'm gonna fulfill my promise that i wrote on my last post , i'm gonna tell you and share some photos the inauguration event of Cordao de Ouro Capoeira Binus University.

finally, pra-UKM Cordao De Ouro Capoeira Binus university Has officially become UKM Cordao de Ouro Capoeira Binus University at November. 11th 2011. thank you all for the support especially from our Lovely Contra Mestree C.M. Papa Leguas, Our Monitor Osso, Our leader class kiki and all friends that i can not mention one by one.

jadi di acara peresmian ini kita sepakat untuk memakai batik semuanya. acara nya dimulai dengan acara formal dengan di putarnya video capoeira yang di buat sama team kita dengan leader yaitu kiki, (yaah gue belum punya copy an nya lagi. that video was awesome! maybe i'll post it later on but i'm not promise people :p) , lalu dilanjutkan dengan sambutan sambutan oleh ketua pelaksana nuga , ketua pra-UKM kita yang cantik berbalut busana batik elfrina , perwakilan dari SCDC pak Robi dan bapak wakil rektor 3 kita bapak Andreas Chang. awalnya berharap banget yang meresmikan itu pak rektor, tapi sayang beliau tidak bisa hadir jadi diwakilin sama pak andreas chang deh. Acaranya juga gak dihadiri sama our monitor kita yaitu monitor osso karena mesti nge-jemput instrutor medusa di aiport. how sad..
but the show must go on guys.. you can take a look the photos below:

left to the right: ade, novi, elfrina, zelvi, fitri and me

left to right: Nuga, Elfrina, bapak Andreas Chang dan bapak Robi

pemukulan birimbau dari bapak Andreas Chang sebagai tanda diresmikan nya UKM CDO Capoeira Binus

ibu ketua kita foto bersama dengan petinggi petinggi binus, it's gonna be your unforgettable moment fina, right?

after the formal event, lanjut ke acara informal kitaa, di dalam acara informal ada penampilan penampilan yang bagus dari UKM dan Jurusan yang ada di binus. Yang pertama dari Sastra Jepang binus yaitu Taiko, semacam kesenian dari budaya jepang dengan pemukulan semacam bedug besar gitu dengan irama tertentu atau ansambel menabuh drum (for further information just click this link). yang kedua penampilan modern dance dari Stamanara Binus dan penampilan musik dari UKM band, yaitu Night Over Soul (you can see their performance by clicked this link) . these are the photos of Taiko, Dance and Band performances:

Taiko performance

band performance; Night Over Soul

Stamanara Performance, ciamik bangett! :)

dan yang selanjutnyaa adalah performance yang paling di tunggu tunggu yaitu special performance from UKM CDO Capoeira Binus yeaaaaaaaaaaay . penampilan pertama itu Capoeira in Gentlemen Suit, lalu, Maculele, Theatrical Capoeira dan closingnya Roda de Capoeira. tanpa basa basi lagi let's take a look in these awesome photos below:

Capoeira in gentlemen suit, Ferry, willy and kiki

me with maculele team yeeay we're rock guys!

some photos of maculele's performances

untuk maculele ini, this is for the first time lho, kita nampilin dance maculele jadi maculele itu gabungan tarian dari tarian Afro-brazil dengan seni beli diri, jadi tariannya itu kita diwajib-in pake tongkat gitu, bisa dilihat kan dari fotonya di atas makanya kita semua pake tongkat. CMIIW

untuk yang theatrical drama jadi ini judulnya 'drama penculikan cila' jadi ceritanya willy dan cila itu sepasang kekasih terus pas lagi main capoeira diganggu gitu sama ferry and the gang mau di culik trus jadi deh kaya berantem gitu, biar lebih jelas langsung liat di fotonya deh.

willy and cilla (fenita)

ferry and the genk mulai nyerang willy

akhirnya ferry kalah deh hehe

dan yang terakhir adalah closing rodaaaaa lalu acara selesai yeeeeaaayyy.


photos taken from CDO binus's Facebook group and from my lovely friend nutri nirwana

Selasa, 15 November 2011

Yes my life has changed! Indeed

It’s been three or four months I didn’t wrote anything on myblog, how poor..
I've tried to keep reminding to myself that i have to write somethin on my blog but.... i can’t barely control my lazy-ness, I’m really sorry people L

Yes my life has changed! Indeed.. why? It’s not only about my love story but also averything about me. A lot of stories that i want to share and temen temen pasti akan ngerti kenapa gue tulis “Yes my life has changed! Indeed”

First, finally I’m on the fifth semester now ayeeeeeeey and which means, closer to the SKRIPSI thingy, (ini mesti sedih atau gembira ya?). yaa di semester lima ini gue mulai fokus dengan konsentrasi study gue yang udah gue pilih waktu di semester 4 kemarin yaitu TEACHING, dan artinyaaaa it’s closer to my childhood dream yaituuuuuuu becoming an ENGLISH TEACHER amin. Sebenernya agak sedih sih di awal karena yang ambil konsentrasi ini cuma 19 orang dan yang lebih bikin sedih THERE IS NO ONE BOYS IN THE CLASS EXCEPT OUR LOVELY LECTURER, SIR IRFAN. Eh eh ada satu deh namanya ka aldy.. menurut cerita yg gue denger, dia anak semester atas itupun dia accidentally masuk ke teaching class. Yaaah agak gersang sih mayoritas perempuan semuaa tapi karena cuma 20 orang sekelas kita semua malah jadi dekat satu sama lainnyaa.. yeah i love you all future teachers...xoxo

Next about my capoeira..... finally I've got my first CORDAO, GREEN BELT or usually called VERDE. I was really happy, it's like dream comes true because ga pernah nyangka bisa sejauh ini mempelajari capoeira. dan waktu itu gue di batizado (kenaikan tingkat) sama instrutora ligerinha, berharap sama papa leguas sih tapi well gue tetep seneng kok, really :D. please taka a look some photos below when i was in batizado.

CDO girls, we are beautiful, right? hahaha

this is wif my beloved instrotura ligerinha and my first belt yeeeeay

left to right: me with instrutor mascote, CM papa leguas and instrutor medusa

me with my lovely CDO binus family


dan satu berita lagi pra-UKM Cordao De Ouro Capoeira Binus resmi menjadi UKM Cordao De Ouro Capoeira Binus pada tanggal 11-11-11 ... (tanggalnya cantik kan?), (i'll tell the stories later on, on my next post)

yaaa inilah hidup gue akhir akhir ini, semuanya berubah, and sssssssstttt... NOW i'm working on binus business school in marketing department. yes, finally i have an experience on that working thingy :D.

One step higher, one step closer to my dream and which means the higher you are the more responsibilities you will get, indeed! byeeee.....

Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

CAPOEIRA it's not like what u think

DANCE the way you want
MUSIC straight to your heart
FIGHT against yourself
CHALLENGE that never ends
COMMUNITY that enjoys to suppport
FRIENDSHIP this is the target
EXPRESS the real you


Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

The writer

"A writer keeps surprising himself... he doesn't know what he is saying until he sees it on the page."

Thomas Williams

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

the impossible thing

We are not that similar, yet so many differences.
How could we be together?
It is such an impossible thing, isn't it ?

picture taken from google

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

single oh single

A lot of people always ask me these question "Why are you still single? Don't you wanna a have a boyfriend?" I'm kinda bored with those question :|

Hmm okay... let me explain my answer with this illustration. Have you ever go to shopping then to look for the cloth that will match to your body and fit to your appearance? Of course I have. and my second question is, did you ever find a cloth that you really love and everything looks perfect? yes, I did!

There were a lot of great clothes in the store, but I just wanted to buy that one. and suddenly when I would pick that cloth and pay it in the cashier, someone else picked that cloth and immediately paid it at the cashier. Unfortunately there was only one design for every cloth in that store. So, how was your feel ? Angry? Upset? Absolutely I was upset and angry but who am I? who am I to be angry with that person? (have you got the point? hopefully you got it :D)

i know, what i should do is looking for another cloth and move on. but it is not as easy as it said. i need more time and i believe God has a good plan for me. what you think is the best might not be the best for you. *cheers*

I'm Back

Haaaayyyyy people, it's been a long time i didn't post anything on my blog. So, how are you doing everyone? Is everything good? I hope so *wink*

Hmm... you know, sometimes blogging is fun; you can share everything on it. You can showing them what you want to show or you can create something for people to see. But you have to be great managing your time to keep your blog updated. I really bad in managing my time, that's why it's like i left my blog behind these day hehe i'm sorry :)

Now, I'm still really really really busy with my study in university. This is my fourth semester in a university and a lot of project and assignment that i have to finish (haaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I do bored with all this project and assignment thingy). Oh God, student life is super duper zupeeeer busy *sigh*

Finaaaally, I'm back to write my blog now. I promise to myself that I will always keep updating my blog, at least, one post a month :).
I'm gonna write my next post soon. Thank you people *cheers*

picture taken from google

Selasa, 12 April 2011

fade away

"missing you is just too much
why don't you just figure it out
you are fading and i'm still waiting
i'm still waiting..."

courtesy : youtube

Senin, 28 Maret 2011


"if you just realize what i've just realized
that would be perfect for each other
and will never find another
just realize what i've just realized
we'd never have to wonder if
we missed out on each other now"

courtesy : youtube

Senin, 28 Februari 2011

To The Mercy Killer by Dudley Randall

If ever mercy move you murder me,

I pray you, kindly killers, let me live.

Never conspire with death to set me free,

but let me know such life as pain can give.

Even though I be a clot, an aching clench,

a stub, a stump, a butt, a scap, a knob,

a screaming pain, a putrefying stench,

still let me live, so long as life shall throb.

Even though I turn such traitor to myself

as beg to die, do not accomplice me.

Even though I seem not human, a mute shelf

of glucose, bottled blood, machinery

to swell the lung and pump the heart, even so,

do not put out my life. Let me still glow.

The poem was written in 1973 by the African-American poet and librarian Dudley Randall and has since become one of the most effective poetical pieces against mercy killing. Dudley Randall was born 14 January 1914 in Washington, D.C., but moved to Detroit in 1920. This poem takes one of the most controversial issues in America in that era; euthanasia. Based on BBC, Euthanasia means the termination of a very sick person's life in order to relieve them of their suffering. In most cases euthanasia is carried out because the person who dies asks for it, but there are cases called euthanasia where a person can't make such a request.

For the conclusion, as a whole of the interpretation of this “To the Mercy Killers” poetry, i think the writer portrays a darkened scene of a man struggling with himself because of his illness and he doesn’t want to be killed by the mercy killer. I think the mercy killer could be a doctor. The writer wants to describe, even the victims in the future life isn’t in the good condition or in miserable, they still have a chance to live their life and don’t want to be euthanized by those mercy killers.

Rabu, 05 Januari 2011