It’s been three or four months I didn’t wrote anything on myblog, how poor..
I've tried to keep reminding to myself that i have to write somethin on my blog but.... i can’t barely control my lazy-ness, I’m really sorry people L
Yes my life has changed! Indeed.. why? It’s not only about my love story but also averything about me. A lot of stories that i want to share and temen temen pasti akan ngerti kenapa gue tulis “Yes my life has changed! Indeed”
First, finally I’m on the fifth semester now ayeeeeeeey and which means, closer to the SKRIPSI thingy, (ini mesti sedih atau gembira ya?). yaa di semester lima ini gue mulai fokus dengan konsentrasi study gue yang udah gue pilih waktu di semester 4 kemarin yaitu TEACHING, dan artinyaaaa it’s closer to my childhood dream yaituuuuuuu becoming an ENGLISH TEACHER amin. Sebenernya agak sedih sih di awal karena yang ambil konsentrasi ini cuma 19 orang dan yang lebih bikin sedih THERE IS NO ONE BOYS IN THE CLASS EXCEPT OUR LOVELY LECTURER, SIR IRFAN. Eh eh ada satu deh namanya ka aldy.. menurut cerita yg gue denger, dia anak semester atas itupun dia accidentally masuk ke teaching class. Yaaah agak gersang sih mayoritas perempuan semuaa tapi karena cuma 20 orang sekelas kita semua malah jadi dekat satu sama lainnyaa.. yeah i love you all future teachers...xoxo
Next about my capoeira..... finally I've got my first CORDAO, GREEN BELT or usually called VERDE. I was really happy, it's like dream comes true because ga pernah nyangka bisa sejauh ini mempelajari capoeira. dan waktu itu gue di batizado (kenaikan tingkat) sama instrutora ligerinha, berharap sama papa leguas sih tapi well gue tetep seneng kok, really :D. please taka a look some photos below when i was in batizado.

CDO girls, we are beautiful, right? hahaha

this is wif my beloved instrotura ligerinha and my first belt yeeeeay

left to right: me with instrutor mascote, CM papa leguas and instrutor medusa

me with my lovely CDO binus family

dan satu berita lagi pra-UKM Cordao De Ouro Capoeira Binus resmi menjadi UKM Cordao De Ouro Capoeira Binus pada tanggal 11-11-11 ... (tanggalnya cantik kan?), (i'll tell the stories later on, on my next post)
yaaa inilah hidup gue akhir akhir ini, semuanya berubah, and sssssssstttt... NOW i'm working on binus business school in marketing department. yes, finally i have an experience on that working thingy :D.
One step higher, one step closer to my dream and which means the higher you are the more responsibilities you will get, indeed! byeeee.....
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